Quel âge as-tu?

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In this song we're covering five main things 

  • the feminine form of numbers in Welsh 
  • the way the 'year' mutates in Welsh according to the number that precedes it. 
  • the different ways each language has to tell one's age (j'ai, I 'm etc.)  
  • the different ways each language has to ask one's age (cf What age do you have - French; How much is your age - Welsh; How old are you - English)  
  • the inversion of the verb and pronoun in the interrogative in French. 


What you need to do:

Start by listening to the song. Then look at the lyrics in each language and listen to the song again, reading the lyrics as you go. Then listen how to say the lyrics, phrase by phrase. Then give singing along to the music a go!

You can choose how you want to work with the song; perhaps you want to split the class into different groups and each group takes it in turns to sing a different language. 


'Rwy'n ddwy flwydd oed', meddai Sion wrth Sian,

'J'ai deux ans', dit-il,

'I'm two, I'm two',

How old are you?

Quel âge as-tu?

Faint / Beth yw dy oedran di?


'Rwy'n dair blwydd oed', meddai Sian wrth Sion,

'J'ai trois ans', dit-elle,

'I'm three, I'm three',

How old are you?

Quel âge as-tu?

Faint / Beth yw dy oedran di?

'Rwy'n bedair blwydd oed', meddai Dai wrth Del, 

'J'ai quatre ans,' dit-il, 

'I'm four, I'm four',  

How old are you? 

Quel âge as-tu 

Faint / Beth yw dy oedran di? 


'Rwy'n bum mlwydd oed', meddai Del wrth Dai, 

'J'ai cinq ans', dit-elle, 

'I'm five, I'm five', 

How old are you? 

Quel âge as-tu? 

Faint / Beth yw dy oedran di? 

'Rwy'n chwe blwydd oed', meddai Bob wrth Bet, 

'J'ai six ans', dit-elle, 

'I'm six, I'm six', 

How old are you? 

Quel âge as-tu? 

Faint /Beth yw dy oedran di? 


'Rwy'n saith mlwydd oed', meddai Beth wrth Bob, 

'J'ai sept ans', dit-elle, 

'I'm seven, I'm seven' 

How old are you? 

Quel âge as-tu? 

Faint yw dy oedran di? 


Un, dau, tri, pedwar, pum, chwech, saith, 

One and two and three and four and five and six and seven, 

Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept ... 

Meddai Sian a Sion a Del a Dai a Bob a Bet! 

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