Dwy Iaith, Dwy Ffenest

Use the arrows on the bottom right of the video to enlarge. The Welsh lyrics are followed by the English lyrics, 2 mins in.

Yn fy mhen y mae dwy ffenest

i weld y byd yn well,

drwy’r naill rwy’n gweld montañas,

drwy’r llall y moroedd pell.


Drwy un rwy’n cyfri’r blodau

gan ddweud ‘un, dau, tri’, o hyd,

drwy’r llall rwy’n cyfri’r adar

sy’n uno, dos, tres, uwch y byd.


Rwy’n agor un a gweiddi:

‘Helo ’na! Sut wyt ti?’

O’r llall rwy’n mentro holi:

‘¿Tienes algo para mi?’


At y naill fe ddaw mis amigos

â’u sonrisas yn chwerthin iach,

at y llall daw’r straeon doniol

gan griw o ffrindiau bach.


A rhwng y ddwy rwy’n gwybod

mod i’n gyfoethog iawn –

mae gen i ddau o bopeth,

mae ’myd i gyd yn llawn!'

In my head I have two windows

through which I watch the world,

from one I see a pájaro,

from the other just a bird.


Through one I count the flowers

by chanting ‘one, two, three’,

through the other I count the meadows

with ‘uno, dos, tres’ – do you see?


I open one and listen

to the voice of a leaf on a tree,

then the wind asks through the other

‘¿Cantas algo para mi?’


To one I call mis amigos,

they come with sonrisas and smiles,

to the other I call for stories

that travel many miles.


And thanks to these two windows

I’m richer than any king –

my world is overflowing,

I have two of everything!


Objective: To inspire language learning

Two Windows is a song written especially for the Cerdd Iaith project. Sung in English and in Welsh, it talks about the amazing opportunities afforded by language learning. Each verse has the same melody, but can be sung in a round.

What you need to do:

Look at one language at a time. Learn each verse one by one. When learners are confident, try singing all the way through. The next stage is to split the group into two and have one group start singing the English verses. After four bars, the second group start singing the Welsh lyrics from the beginning.


Dwy Iaith Dwy Ffenest – Whiteboard activities Dwy Iaith- Downloads