Dwy Iaith Dwy Ffenest – Whiteboard activities

Sing along with the voices and orchsestra

Now try it without the voices helping you

When you're ready, try singing both languages at the same time.

Dwy Iaith – Dwy Ffenest

Yn fy mhen y mae dwy ffenest

i weld y byd yn well,

drwy’r naill rwy’n gweld montañas,

drwy’r llall y moroedd pell.


Drwy un rwy’n cyfri’r blodau

gan ddweud ‘un, dau, tri’, o hyd,

drwy’r llall rwy’n cyfri’r adar

sy’n uno, dos, tres, uwch y byd.


Rwy’n agor un a gweiddi:

‘Helo ’na! Sut wyt ti?’

O’r llall rwy’n mentro holi:

‘¿Tienes algo para mi?’


At y naill fe ddaw mis amigos

â’u sonrisas yn chwerthin iach,

at y llall daw’r straeon doniol

gan griw o ffrindiau bach.


A rhwng y ddwy rwy’n gwybod

mod i’n gyfoethog iawn –

mae gen i ddau o bopeth,

mae ’myd i gyd yn llawn!'

Two Languages – Two Windows

In my head I have two windows

through which I watch the world,

from one I see a pájaro,

from the other just a bird.


Through one I count the flowers

by chanting ‘one, two, three’,

through the other I count the meadows

with ‘uno, dos, tres’ – do you see?


I open one and listen

to the voice of a leaf on a tree,

then the wind asks through the other

‘¿Cantas algo para mi?’


To one I call mis amigos,

they come with sonrisas and smiles,

to the other I call for stories

that travel many miles.


And thanks to these two windows

I’m richer than any king –

my world is overflowing,

I have two of everything!